Aha, mystery solved. Yup, that’ll be the problem then.
I’m surprised Icedrive didn’t force update on your existing installation. Anyway, yes, you can get it on the download page, as it seems you already found. Here: Mounted Cloud Storage for Desktop & Laptop - Icedrive . The top option, “virtual drive.”
Things you should know:
-All existing sync pairs will be deleted (not from the cloud, just from the app), so you’ll need to re-pair. The new app is good at notifying users about this change so you’ll see a popup or something to that effect. Not a big deal, just re-create the pairs, point them to the correct places on local and cloud, and you should be good to go.
-Any synced folders will NOT sync changes made while the app is completely closed. Like, never. Not even after opening the app again. Not even after restarting. If you exit icedrive, or it silently crashes, and you make any changes to local folders, those changes will only be local unless you re-pair those sync folders. As outlined here PSA: IceDrive app will not sync any changes made to sync pairs when app is not open. Even after restart. Ever and Be careful when you hit the Unmount button - #11 by lawgiver_ai and Sync only picks up if app is running when files changed . This is a departure from version 2 of the app, which would re-check sync folders at regular, specified intervals. Unlike the above-mentioned need to re-pair sync pairs, the app does nothing to inform you of this issue and you will find this info NOWHERE other than on this forum or from your own infuriating experience. The Icedrive team apparently doesn’t respect their users enough to make a working sync function and/or bother to inform their users when such a basic feature is removed and their backups are not as secure as the average user would reasonably expect. That’s why you’re getting this response from me on this forum instead of @Chris or @Tom or @JimmyB . And me expressing negativity here and calling them out directly pretty much ensures their lack of response on this thread. Prove me wrong, dudes! (BTW, I only started spending more time on this forum recently as a result of a situation similar to yours – stopped using Icedrive, tried to start again, had a “WTF mates” moment, and came here to find out I wasn’t hallucinating. So I am now trying to save other users the same frustration and be a thorn in the side of those who have dropped the ball and thus made such communication necessary.) Again, prove me wrong, dudes.
-One saving grace of the new app and, I’m assuming, backend redesign (although there’s no transparency there so again we’re left to piece things together on our own) is that the way files and folders are encrypted in v3 seems to be different to the way it was done in v2, so that now file sizes are consistent between local and cloud files, even if encrypted. This is a plus, as it means you can now bypass the eternally buggy Icedrive sync feature by using the app only to mount the virtual drive, and managing sync yourself with a reliable and transparent app like freefilesync. Details here: Sync only picks up if app is running when files changed - #19 by tambo . Again, this is a major change that I bet many users would appreciate knowing about. Would be an ideal thing to put in release logs rather than let users figure out for themselves, if ever. But since the release logs Release Log - Icedrive Community jump from 2.72 to 3.20, and we’re on version 3.22 without a peep, I guess that’s not the place to find out about changes to the app or backend system either. Again, @Chris @Tom @JimmyB , prove me wrong.