File Syncing Problem Across Devices

Hey There,

I have been using Ice Drive for a while and it’s been great overall;. However, I have hit a snag lately with file syncing between my devices, and I could use some help or advice from you all.

Here is the deal; when I make changes to files on one device, those changes are not showing up on my other devices connected to the same ;Ice Drive account. For instance, if I edit a document on my (desktop), the updates don’t appear on my (laptop) and (phone), even after waiting and making sure everything is connected to the internet.

As per this blog Data Science Learning Path that I found on the google I have tried the basic fixes like logging out and back in, and even reinstalling the Ice Drive app, but nothing seems to solve the problem. It’s messing with my workflow big time and making it hard to access the latest versions of my files wherever I go.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone have any advice on how to get synchronization back on track? I would be very grateful for any assistance, I hope the above will be helpful.

I’m also tried these steps : Ongoing sync problems but they didn’t work.


Leena Smith

“when I make changes to files on one device, those changes are not showing up on my other devices connected to the same ;Ice Drive account”

  • You may need to fully log out of your session on your other devices via your settings and log back in to see the changes reflect accurately.