Drive abruptly unmounted

While using my Icedrive in the PC, it got unmounted suddenly and I can’t seem to login even online. Cannot open my mobile app. Cannot connect online through web browser. I am using a paid version and this happening suddenly caused lot of issues since my files are all present in the drive.

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We are conducting maintenance on our main server, unfortunately there is unexpected downtime during this period. We will be back as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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It would be a good idea to inform about server maintenance a few days in advance. You have your clients’ e-mails, it doesn’t hurt.


+1 to the above. Who conducts maintenance during core business hours? Oh yes, Icedrive!

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OMG you could have informed us in prior for the maintenance. It’s something you guys must have planned in advance not something you guys decided to do it randomly.


This was a terrible idea. The minimum you guys could have done was send out a heads up. I shouldn’t have to check Twitter to find answers on why I can’t login or access my files especially as a paid user.

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There’s no such thing as business hours when using internet services. :wink:
Only some big companies have data centres in multiple regions, in that case it could be arranged.

When using cloud storage through e.g. Amazon AWS, it could be done, but I don’t think IceDrive uses that kind of services.