Be careful when you hit the Unmount button


[ Icedrive desktop app ] [ Version 3.22 ]
[ Windows 10 ]


At start up, Icedrive is unmounted and synchronization works fine. If you then hit the Mount button, it continues to work fine.

However, if for some reason you then would like to unmount again, Icedrive starts to behave erraticly. Below are my findings, but the bottom line is: never press the Unmount button, because from that moment on synchronization is faulty. If you want to unmount, restart the desktop app instead.

This bug is a major one, because it easily results in an incomplete backup without the user noticing it.

Detailed description
See also the screenshots below.

  1. Just after starting the app: everything works fine.
  2. After mounting for the first time: everything still works fine.
  3. After unmounting: file deletion is correctly mirrored in the cloud, adding files is not. (*)
  4. After mounting again, the problem persists: file deletion is correctly mirrored in the cloud, adding files is not.
  5. After unlocking crypto: everything works fine again (back to situation 2).

Note that:

  • screenshot 3 is exactly the same as screenshot 1, yet Icedrive behaves differently.
  • after mounting for the first time it is impossible to get back to situation 1, where Icedrive is both unmounted and correctly syncing.

(*) Adding files results in this log entry: “[20.10.2024 11:44:17.881] [18088] crypto locked for task -1310479893; will not upload test5.txt”.

Sync is actually triggered when you next start the app however if you’re making changes to the local folder the app does need to be running when making the changes in order to recognise them for it to then sync the next time you open the app.

hello Chris, maybe my misreading but does the sync not happens real time the moment the app is active and any changes were to be made in a synced local folder? as if this is not to be case and the app needs to be restarted for any changes to take effect then the call from many to have a sync now button becomes something to consider

Hi @Chris , first of all, I think Icedrive should give a warning whenever a restart is necessary to resume normal operation.

Having said that, I did some additional testing to see what happens after restarting the app. Unfortunately, the problem persists. To be more precise:

  1. Any file you add to the local folder after having pressed the Unmount button, will no longer be uploaded to the cloud (even though the app is still running)—as described above. The log reports:

[21.10.2024 14:45:24.215] [20648] crypto locked for task -2132799905; will not upload test1.txt

  1. If you then close the app and start it again, synchronization works fine for new changes, but the file in question is still not being uploaded. The log reports:

[21.10.2024 14:46:45.830] [20292] checking pending uploads…
[21.10.2024 14:46:45.835] [20292] adding pending upload to a queue: fileId= -2132799905 destId 59705670 syncId 10082
[21.10.2024 14:46:45.835] [20292] crypto locked for task -2132799905; will not upload test1.txt

I hope I have provided enough information for the developers so they can look into this.