A Non-Technical Guide to Mounting IceDrive on MacOS

Greetings fellow IceDrive users! I recently made the switch to IceDrive over pCloud for their improved privacy and their much cheaper subscription plan. I switch regularly between Windows, MacOS and Linux, so being able to mount a virtual drive on all three operating systems was a must for me. While researching this system, I found a great guide, for mounting on Unix based operating systems via rClone. While this is an amazing solution, if you want to mount your drive on startup it requires writing a script and adding it as a login item, which can be quite a hassle. With some poking around, I found that this is not the only option – using WebDAV, you can mount IceDrive as a network drive in MacOS and set it to do so on startup and here’s how.

  1. Go to your dashboard, log in and click on your name. Go to 2FA & Access and click WebDAV. Keep this handy, you’ll need this information in a second.
  2. Next, open Finder and click the Go menu, then Connect to Server or press Command + K.
  3. In the server address enter https:// webdav .icedrive.io (remove the spaces) and click connect. If Finder asks you to confirm, click connect.
  4. You will see another window that asks you for a username and password. Check the Registered User box. Then, under Name: enter your IceDrive email, and finally in Password: copy and paste the Access Key from the WebDAV page in your IceDrive settings. If you want to mount this drive automatically, check Remember this password in my keychain. Click connect. You will see a new drive show up named webdav. icedrive. io inside this folder you’ll see another that contains your IceDrive files.
  5. If you don’t want to mount this drive on startup then you’re done! Otherwise open your System Settings and search for Login Items.
  6. Under Open at Login, click the +. Select the new drive named webdav. icedrive. io and click the folder it contains. Click Open. You should now see webdav. icedrive. io on the list of your Login Items and under Kind it should say Volume.

That’s it! You now have access to your IceDrive volume just like you would on Windows. A couple caveats that go along with this:

  • You cannot access your encrypted folder via WebDAV.
  • You must have a premium IceDrive account.
  • If you want to backup or sync folders from your desktop, you will still need to use a script to do so (I recommend rClone)
