What's full sync? testing v 3.14

I’ve been testing the version 3.14 for a couple of days.

Found out among other things that you can’t specify where is the repository for the backup any longer. Now the only direction is from the local to the remote folders. Not happy but I can live with that.

For the sync, named “full sync”, I noticed that if I delete a file from the remote server, it’s not deleted from the local folder. That’s not good at all. I need to local and remote folders to be identical, twins, mirrored. I use the sync folder accross multiple devices and need to be “in sync”.

hello Luke , just for safety sake did you check your settings you can specify what deleting a file and so does on both local and remote :slight_smile:

You’re right. The sync policy deletion for the local is set to “send to recycle bin” and for the remote, it is “delete”.

Thanks Peter for the message.

Hey @Luke Thank you for the insights on version 3.14 The backup location limitation is manageable; but I agree the sync issue is a big problem.

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