WebDAV and macOS

Does anyone have any tips for troubleshooting WebDAV on macOS? It looks like the file changes I’ve made to the mount on macOS are not being reflected in IceDrive and WebDAV clients on other systems.

I wonder if this is related to me attempting to synchronize too many files. Primarily I am attempting to synchronize ~2000 markdown notes. This forum post makes it seem like the process could be getting interrupted before it finishes: Please make WebDAV work - #10 by luirogma

Our implementation was never designed for bulk uploading so you may run into “Too many requests” error, which means that you are temporarily blocked from using the WebDAV service due to excessive network requests.

We are due to release our all new drive app for MacOS which features an all new sync feature as well so you will not have to rely on WebDAV for automatic uploading to Icedrive.