Hi guys!
Is it possible to set up a virtual Icedrive to show files only virtually (similar to Google Drive for example), but not actually take any local disk space?
Hi guys!
Is it possible to set up a virtual Icedrive to show files only virtually (similar to Google Drive for example), but not actually take any local disk space?
i think the ‘minimize local disk utilization’ setting in the Mount section will do that.
to my understanding this is exactly what icedrive does it mimics your online storage without taking space
Thank you.
I tried, but the local disk space is still taken.
I have uploaded 5GB on icedrive for a test and my local disk decreased for 5GB.
I wonder if I would have 1TB of storage full (I am on a free plan now) how much local storage would be taken …
this is what I thought also, but if you mount a disk on local computer to see Icedrive as a virtual disk, then it also takes space on local disk.
yes it does that, but it also caches the files locally. the option i stated is supposed to turn that local cache off. if you’d looked at that option i stated and hover over it, that’s what it says.
there is also a ‘clear cache’ option at the bottom of the settings
Thank you!
How do I turn the local cache off?
I don’t see this option.
And do you maybe also know why is my ICEdrive still 5GB full after I have deleted all files, also from Icedrive Trash (through web browser)?
you’ve turned it off according to your screen shot.
did you hover over the ‘minimize local disk’ for the full explanation like i suggested?
if you’ve deleted the 5GB you uploaded to icedrive (& emptied the trash), i think it should it should say zero (or near to). what does it say on your web portal? (the icedrive usage in windows seems to have a small delay in reflecting changes in utilization).