Video player doesn't support most format


[ Video Player ] []
[ Windows and iphone ]

The video player is not supporting some of my mp4’s and some of my mpeg-4.
That means it cannot be played in the cloud through your mobile app, your windows app and the website.
I have to download the video, and use window’video player instead.
On mobile apps, even if I download the video it’s still not getting played.
(Also, everything is up to date.)

At first, I thought that my files were corrupt, fortunately that’s not the case.
I’ll link a video that doesn’t play so you can test it by yourself.

You can download it. Just don’t delete it from my folder.

I think you should spend most of your energy on the player, because everything else works just fine.

Thank you

That is odd. All my video files are .mp4, and they play just fine. How are yours encoded? What bitrate, framerate?

I’ve never thought about that.
I went to check these infos and weirdly, only the ones that aren’t playing don’t have these infos. But it still plays on windows though…

When you upload a video file to icedrive, do you see a still shot of that video used as its icon? That’s how I know a file it “previewable”. If that’s the case the video should stream. Try re-encoding lowering the bitrate. I’m not sure if that’s going to do anything, but I do re-encode with x265 to save space.

I can see the preview on the icedrive windows app, but not in the file explorer…

So, you see the preview in Windows but not icedrive’s webui?

Edit - I downloaded the files and it’s odd that there are no stats for the file at all. But it does play within Windows. I have other cloud services (ditching them once I get icedrive 10 tb) and the file does not stream from them. That means it’s a filer issue and not an icedrive issue. How was it encoded?

FYI, they’ve already been erased.

It does stream with dropbox though…

I have to admit that it sounds like a “me” problem and it’s not icedrive’s fault

It does stream stream with Dropbox?!? Are there any other video you can test?

Yeah, that’s the thing. These videos I’m talking about work with dropbox