The video player is not supporting some of my mp4’s and some of my mpeg-4.
That means it cannot be played in the cloud through your mobile app, your windows app and the website.
I have to download the video, and use window’video player instead.
On mobile apps, even if I download the video it’s still not getting played.
(Also, everything is up to date.)
At first, I thought that my files were corrupt, fortunately that’s not the case.
I’ll link a video that doesn’t play so you can test it by yourself.
I’ve never thought about that.
I went to check these infos and weirdly, only the ones that aren’t playing don’t have these infos. But it still plays on windows though…
When you upload a video file to icedrive, do you see a still shot of that video used as its icon? That’s how I know a file it “previewable”. If that’s the case the video should stream. Try re-encoding lowering the bitrate. I’m not sure if that’s going to do anything, but I do re-encode with x265 to save space.
So, you see the preview in Windows but not icedrive’s webui?
Edit - I downloaded the files and it’s odd that there are no stats for the file at all. But it does play within Windows. I have other cloud services (ditching them once I get icedrive 10 tb) and the file does not stream from them. That means it’s a filer issue and not an icedrive issue. How was it encoded?