V3.11 adding sync pair while transfers in progress


Icedrive Windows 3.11
Windows 11 Pro


I’ve noticed that it’s not possible to add new sync pairs while transfers are in progress. Specifically when selecting the destination. Presumably this is because the app is busy with the running transfers. Would it be possible to pause network activity while a new sync pair is being set up?

Hi @lawgiver_ai you can actually pause a sync pair via the new app. Simply go to your list of sync pairs and click the pause button to pause the sync.

The pause button has no effect. It just carries on syncing. I’ve tried pausing in both Sync and Transfers. And if I restart the app, the pause in Transfers is unpaused.

Would you be able to submit a support ticket and attach the drive app log so that our development team can investigate further? Could you also indicate if you’re receiving any errors in particular when you try to add a new sync pair?

This happened to me also.
Pausing also did not work. Because it was a long sync, i just decided to close icedrive, uninstall it and reinstall it again to add all syncs pairs and transfer everything in one go. Unfortunately, now icedrive is not even opening. It shows the log in screen and after that the loading screen, but it dissapears quickly an nothing happens. I tried reinstalling and nothing. Very sad, I was not expecting much from you and yet you manage to dissapoint. Waiting for this Icedrive version 3 for so long to be able to even sync my folders (i could only sync one of my 3 sync pairs before due to your software limitations), no i can sync none.