The log entry you see above is actually an internal measure introduced to prevent frequent downloads and uploads/overwrites of the same files. Particularly when someone uses third-party sync utilities that are putting an excessive load on our servers. It’s simply notifying that the sync will not overwrite the same file more than once every 10 seconds.
I am evaluating icedrive and I found out that if you copy an existing file
over another one previously uploaded it generates this error randomly.
It may work, it may not.
It doesn’t have nothing to do about time.
If you manually erase the file at cloud before, no error at copy.
When the error happens, it only sets a red dot over the
icon on the taskbar what most of the people won’t notice.
In my case I tried to play an mp3 file and it didn’t.
When I looked into it, its size was ZERO.
Looks to me that it is a bug into the icedrive synchronizer.
The worst is that once it generates the log error it also
set the exiting file at the cloud to size Zero (0) kb.
So you’ll soon have a lot of unsable files when you thought
you were right well synched… too bad.
Does it worth to have a cloud drive which it’s not trustable ?
Exactly. I stopped using it.
It’s good that I tried before going the premium.
How can be sure if the latest file is there?
we don’t have time to recheck it.
The entire sync system is changing in the near future with the introduction of our new drive app and new sync. These new systems are being re-developed from the ground up so will work completely differently. The sync element in particular is intended to become a live sync.
Any news about this?
I’m not going to use anymore.
I paid lot of money to have all files safe, this errors stills happening. I’m frustrated! and terrified.
Could you tell me if the secure option is to have all syncs in one way, right?
But this 0 bytes error should not happen. Is a big problem.
The new sync element of the new app is currently being tested by our developers before it is released into beta testing. There isn’t a definitive date set yet but will be in the near future.