Trying to open any file from Icedrive Mounted causes Word to freeze


[ IceDrive mounted ] [ version as of 7/26/24 ]
[ Windows ]


[When I try to open a file from the mounted Icedrive in File Explorer, Word freezes. For the longest time I thought it was impossible to open a file this way because it would never open and so I just looked it up from the online dashboard to open it. However, recently I did have a file open after Word froze so I guess it is possible. (The more usual outcome is for it to freeze then crash.) My question then is why it does not open smoothly.

Another issue is that I use DocFetcher to search file contents. This works fine in terms of finding the right files in IceDrive, but it does not “open” virtually in the preview pane. For the longest time I thought this was also impossible. However I have been able to see the preview after an hour-long delay for some files though not all. I have yet to be able to fully open any file. My question is what I can do to have it preview/open reliably.]

You can preview your online files via the drive mounted app as it utilises your local app. If you’re experiencing crashes or freezes we would need to see the full drive app log to investigate what may be happening to cause this. Could you please submit a support ticket via Login - Icedrive attaching the drive app log to the thread and giving a brief description of the issue you’re experiencing?

just a guess, docfetch looks to be some index/search tool. so if it’s busy downloading the entire contents of your I: drive to index/search it, and then you open a particular word doc, you may be delayed for hours if you have a lot of data on I:. i believe the icedrive client does cache some data but that’s internal and depends on how much data you have on I:.
it may not be a good idea to allow docfetch (or any other similar product) to constantly search your mounted I: (or any other ‘network’ cloud) unless you understand the possible limitations. have you tried to monitor active transfers or your network usage when this is going on?


I think you should if Docfetch or a similar tool is indexing your entire. I drive it can significantly delay access to specific files especially if you have a large amount of data. It is advisable to monitor active transfers and network usage during this process and consider limiting such indexing on network or cloud drives to avoid performance issues.
