Sync Stops at Comparing folders (99%)

Attempting to download content from cloud back to my desktop but synch stops at comparing folders - like 15-20 hours for 99K files. I even tried it on 14k files and it does the same thing.

[ Desktop] [ Version ] There is no version number in window
[ Win 11 XP ]


I am setting a 1 way from cloud back to my desktop. It goes through the normal identifying files in folder, processing list, and then it gets to comparing folders. It starts off OK but sticks at 99%. I have tried deleting sych pair, resetting up to no avail. I have tried deleting synch pair and rename the folders to no avail. I have uninstalled and attempting to setup from new, however, although in the uninstall I asked to not remember settings it did it anyway. My next step is to uninstall again and locate the windows install folder and delete that so hopefully it will not find my setup settings.

Hey @Mwyarm would it be possible for you to create a support ticket via Login - Icedrive and a member of our team will be able to assist you further?