Sync pair changes not appearing half the time

Icedrive Mount & Sync 3.14 - Windows 11

Unsure why or if I’m doing something wrong, although I’m just adding files into sync pairs I’ve created but sometimes the updated files/folders don’t show up in the local folders (sync pairs). Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t even after numerous hours.
Example: I add a file to the virtual drive or in the web app but around 50% of the time the new files & folders don’t appear in the local storage location. They do appear in the virtual drive & web app when creating the folders or adding files from the local directory, but not when it’s from virtual/web app to local.

The setting for those sync pairs is set to full sync. I have restarted the app multiple times, some of the changes still aren’t showing. I have even logged out of the app & reinstalled the app, recreated the sync pairs, and again, some of the time the files fail to show on the local storage sync pair.

Is this how the sync is supposed to work? Does anyone else have this issue? And if so, how do I resolve it or what are workarounds?


If you’re making changes to the cloud folder on the same device it will not sync from cloud to local. Our development team are aware of this issue and are looking to fix in an update soon.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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Thanks for your fast reply. Hopefully the update will be very, very soon like in the next day or 2 - because right now I am a bit hesitant to upload anything to it.

I see that version 3.15 was just released. Got the notification to update & did so.
What changes were made? Or is there a changelog? @Chris

You can view the changelog here: