Start Icedrive on logon to Linux tip

The windows client has a ‘Start with windows’ option in the settings that starts Icedrive minimized and with the virtual drive mounted, but there is no equivalent option on the Linux version.

After a little trial and error, I found that starting the Linux appimage with the ‘-startup’ option provides the same functionality so it can be autostarted on logon in the background. (at least on manjaro it does, maybe the same on mac).

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That didn’t work for me on Linux Mint 22, but going through the settings menu does.

System Settings → Startup Applications → + sign → Custom Command
Name it IceDrive and for command just put:
/home/ko4fzg/Downloads/IceDriveMounted-v3.whateveryourversionis or wherever your IceDrive is located

I’m sure there is a better way

I didn’t say how to add it to your app startups as that differs depending on your DE/WM.

Command to add to your startup is:

/{pathto}/IcedriveMounted-v3.{version}.AppImage -startup

Whoopsies, I totally misread

Any idea on how to auto-mount the drive with the application startup?

Wonderful tip, thank you! It seems to mount automatically.