Restore semester test


I’m progressing my semester Restore exercise. What is the value of backup if we don’t demonstrate with a restore the complete efficiency of the backup. A few comments.

  1. Still no RESTORE option when setting up a synch pair. Any update ?

  2. Due to being on the latest version v3.32, I had to delete everything and do backup and restore again. Prgressing with a delta on files that have a small difference on size was too fine grain approach taking too long time. Backup works well and v3.32 is stable and good on Windows 10. Good.

  3. When doing backup, following a synch pair creation, up to 5 parralel uploads are progressed. When doing restore through file copy of filesynch only 1 download at a time, slowing the download. Can you increase the number of parallel download to 5 ?

  4. When dowloading to restore large volume, the cache is filling up, while there is no need as no frequent access to each individual file… A restore option should not fill the cache

I’m rather satisfied with icedrive and would score 4 above 5 as missing a restore option.

Wish this will be taken into account by the development team.

Enjoy IceDrive

Longtime paying Icedrive customer here. I’d add that without a checksum to confirm what’s been uploaded to Icedrive’s servers is identical to our local files, backups aren’t reliable. Very often when I download files from Icedrive to my mobile or laptop, they’re corrupted–despite me being on a gigabyte internet connection. Doesn’t matter if I use ethernet (hard-connect) or wireless. This is a problem for me with any files larger than a few megabytes. Cloud sync/backup options need a way to prove file integrity (lack of corruption/truncation…).


Intersting point. So far i have tested only same size / same date. Will check with checksum.

I have tested at byte level the restore and the original.
No error, all the same.
Good news in my case

I concur that we really need the ability to check checksum on Icedrive’s end, without having to redownload all our files and manually check the checksum ourself.