(request) Linux support for syncing

I use Icedrive primarily as an automatic backup solution, but currently the Sync app doesn’t support Linux (the portable app does, but doesn’t provide sync functionality). Sometime over the two years I’m planning on switching 100% to Linux, and will unfortunately have to stop using Icedrive, which is a shame because I’ve really been liking Icedrive so far.

Since the portable app already supports Linux, it’d be great if the Sync app did as well. Alternatively, first-class FTP (or similar) support would allow for existing 3rd party apps to be used with the service which might be a more attractive option for the dev team.


Don’t worry, it’s coming soon!

@Dr_Quantum is correct, we are actually in the process of redeveloping our drive app for Windows which will then be ported over to Mac and Linux. We released our initial beta test on the Windows version a little while ago and have just released our initial beta test for Mac. Linux is coming soon.


Awesome! Best of luck to you and your team

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i am eager waiting for this!

For me, this would also be the crucial feature to start using icedrive.

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Indeed! I exclusively use Linux, Windows is for compatibility needs.
Therefore, we must understand the market share of the Windows platform makes it a prominent priority in a lucrative development process.

Hi all,
As a heads up, the Windows app (2.72) with sync functionality plays nicely with Wine in Linux

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Hi there!
Other companies made Linux support a default choice. I use exclusievly Linux too since 25 years.
I’m thinking about to leave Icedrive, but AES and other officially used encryptions are not so secure.
Even a hacked dumb router can crack them. Price matters too.
The portable app has major bugs inside. Can’t deal with many small files 80% upload error rate , no retrial if network error happens , just save a damaged file. Even no (usable) error messages.
Let the user know what failed! (low disk space? Network? Other just failed?)
Retry at network or other error
Make a simple simple copyable text list of local files which were impossible to upload!
So the user can collect them with a script and upload again.
Log operations, at least to a textbox
The “fancy” transfers list is useless when trying to find out what is happening.
Sort it at least!
Move errors and transfers in progress to the top, don’t hide them!

Most annoying: Upload seems to be successfull, file is damaged. Bad surprise when I download it and try to work with that unreadable ruins.
At backup time I must redownload the files and check against the original or some checksum & manually delete from cloud and upload the failed ones by one wasting my time.
Usual progress
Detect what changed since last backup->zip the 1000’s of small files->checksum->upload->download->checksum verify-> :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: n% failed->reupload, redownload->checksum … over and over manually during days until every file is really stored in the cloud.
It is possible, and not so hard to implement!
Lack of sync or filesystem (for example fuse) support.

Not only PC hardware exists today. Other platforms like Raspberry Pi has only access with web app. Downloading an encrypted file with the web app is impossible due to memory leak. 2GB file needs 10GB RAM in Firefox. Some systems do not have so mutch soldered in.
Small multi file uploads with web app has also some problems.
Wine is not a real solution for the problem.
Implement fuse, rsync or other well documented protocol!
Or make the portable app better!

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