Preserving iPhone photo 'Created' metadata

When uploaded to Icedrive:
I would like the time the photo was taken and what time in the world/my life it therefore depicts to be preserved. A bunch of my photos have the identical modified time (down to the day and minute) for some reason, and this is useless information.

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Our development team have just done some testing on this and were unable to reproduce the issue you’re experiencing. However, they will investigate further as to possible reasons why this has happened on this occasion.

This has happened again on my latest batch of uploaded files. The photos on my iPhone have a modified date AND a created date. The photos uploaded to Icedrive only have one date, the modified date. (I am unsure what the modified date is supposed to mean as many of them have identical modified dates down to the minute.) I would like this to, rather, be the created date.
My primary purpose for using Icedrive is to save space on my harddrive as it is filled, meaning that as I transfer to Icedrive this autobiographical data is being lost.

When you say unable to reproduce, do you mean that you had different date modified and date created dates in the first place, and that when you viewed Icedrive files in file explorer in Details view there were two columns, date modified and date created, with different dates, instead of one column simply called “date” with the date modified?

Chris, I am consistently finding on all types of files uploaded in all types of ways at all points in time from all kinds of devices that only the Modified metadata is shown. Are you sure you’re correctly understanding the issue and that you were unable to reproduce the issue I’m experiencing?
That said, while a docx document similarly only shows the date modified in file explorer and shows the date modified date for both date modified and date created in properties, when I download it and look at file info in Microsoft Word, it does have the date created date, so I am hopeful it is preserved for photos as well, just not accessible in the UI.

Could you submit a diagnostic log via the app so that our development team can take a look at investigate further? You can do this by going to your help section and then ‘submit diagnostic data’.

was there anything found? because it does the same with me.