Photos not showing after upload

Icedrive App on IOS 17.5.1, iPhone 12 Pro

When I upload my photos to IceDrive using the
Photos app the upload is reported as being successfully but not all of the photos appear in the IceDrive app (only about half). I repeated the upload and the same thing happens. Does anyone know what is going on?

Icedrive haven’t updated their iOS app for months. I would just use Safari, log in to your Icedrive dashboard that way and then save the Safari page by clicking the Share icon and then select ‘Add to Home Screen’. It then creates a browser like app within your iPhone applications and you can then open it like a standalone app & I think photos should show then?

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Hi @BruceGraham

Would you mind submitting the apps diagnostic data so our technical team can take a look at it?

You can do this by clicking the navigation menu on the app and clicking help. From there you will see an option to submit diagnostic data.

Thanks. Safari works a treat although a bit clunky.

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