Opening/editing V3.15 sync pairs

When you create a sync pair you have to choose between Backup and Full Sync
But then you can’t open the sync pair to check what you went for, and you can’t change it.

Have I missed something?


I don’t think you can change afterwards right now no

Hi @Stu_8

You can easily tell whether a sync pair is set to “Live Sync” or “Backup” by looking at the arrows in the sync pair tab. Double arrows indicate “Live Sync,” while a single arrow represents “Backup.”

image - Live Sync
image - Backup

At the moment, our development team isn’t actively working on allowing sync pairs to be switched between “Live Sync” or “Backup” modes. However, we’ve noted your suggestion and will consider it for future updates.

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Thanks for the info

I was far more interested in being able to find out what I had set them to, rather than changing them.

Would be worth adding a key to those two symbols on the sync pairs page, job done


Just had a look and my sync pairs show a round green symbol which means “No issues”. No sign of either of those arrow symbols - are they shown in V3.15?

@Stu_8 The arrows are displayed between the local and remote folder paths.