To the wonderful people at Icedrive. In the not-too-distant future, can I propose the inclusion and the possibility of using Icedrive natively as a remote backup for website files (zipped) or facilitating the means to accomplish the task via WebDAV? I think it will add great value to Icedrive and bring it in line with other cloud storage apps with this feature request enabled or built into them. I am using Google Drive Storage to perform daily remote backups.
With most backup plugins on WordPress, you can set a limit before old backups are deleted from the repository cloud storage. Therefore, there will never be an issue with overpopulating Icedrive with an indefinite amount of web files.
For instance, the current backup size for the website backed up in Google Drive is 300 Mb and once it reaches 6 daily backups before the seventh day can be added, the first day backup is deleted. This means the minimum back Google Drive can hold after seven days is 1.8 GB (300 MB x 7 - 300 MB), which Icedrive will have no issue handling.
Anyway, I hope others support this feature request and I look forward to seeing it implemented.
Thank you.