My desktop app constantly crash - v2.75 - Windows 11

since the new update v2.75, my desktop app (win11) launch but automatically crash avec 2 or 3 minutes.
Is someone have the same issue ?

Can we have access to earlier versions (v2.74 or 2.73) to downgrade ? @JimmyB @Tom
thank you.

Icedrive app: v2.75

Windows 11 Family
Version	23H2
Date  2023-‎10-‎19
Version 22631.2861
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22681.1000.0

Hello, I have the same issue since the upgrade.

Try switching “Minimize local disk utilization” on in your desktop client settings. If this does not help, could you submit the drive app log to so that our dev team can investigate what may be causing the crashes and they will reach out to you?

Hello, “Minimize local disk utilisation” is already on. Sync is failing with “Minimize local disk utilisation” on.

Ok thanks for letting us know. Could you submit the drive app log and our dev team will investigate further and reach out to you.


I have open a ticket for resolution. Problem seems to be solve thanks to
the support

Glad we could help. Please feel free to get back in touch via support ticket if you have any additional queries.