Launching IceDrive via task scheduler

Hi! I would like to lauch IceDrive via Windows task scheduler 5 or ten minutes after bootup. It sort of works, but as soon as IceDrive is launched, I see the icon not only in systray but also on my taskbar. What task scheduler arguments are needed to see the IceDrive icon only in systray? I have tried /background and /silent, but these arguments do not seem to work. Your help is very much appreciated, so thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

in task manager, you can show the command issued for each running task. i’m running icedrive with it set to autostart in it’s options and task manager shows it running with a “/startup” switch. try that.


Just tried that – it works! :grinning: Thank you soooo much for your help. This was exactly what I was looking for.

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