Is there a way to view a filehash (such as a a SHA256 or MD5) for uploaded files within the webpage? This would be nice for verifying that files I uploaded are the same as local copy/valid, as well as I’m sure users that are downloading shared files would appreciate being able to see the file hash (so they can verify that what they downloaded is what was being hosted)? If its not available on the web app, is there a way to do it with the other apps?
Yes! Without a confirmation that what was uploaded is identical to what we intended to upload, cloud backup is a game of roulette. Too many of my downloaded files, not just from IceDrive but all other privacy clouds that don’t include checksums, are CORRUPTED when I download them to my machines. Cloud providers have focused too much on file redundancy and not nearly enough on file fidelity.
To the frequent retort that checksum won’t work for files that are encrypted before upload, an option is to allow users to do our own encryption and then upload the user-encrypted file. The checksum would confirm the encrypted file matches the local encrypted file the user knows is valid.