Icedrive web graphic interface


I usually back up my files using the internet browser interface on the Icedrive website with drag and drop.

But I would like to know for the future if it is possible to have the possibility of choosing a dark mode for the interface.

When I save my files during the day, the light graphic interface is good and pretty, but in the evening it tires the eyes, which is why I would like to ask if it is possible to make this addition please.

Thanks you very much.

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I got bored and starting writing one using Stylus. I’ve only just started, but it’s useable: Icedrive Dark Mode —

I’ll keep updating it over time.

Edit: feel free to provide feedback and suggestions.

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Thanks you Andrewfelix for your help :grinning:

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We will be releasing a Webapp update with darkmode after the black friday sales :slight_smile:


Nicely done! We went with more blue for the official version:


Very nice! I look forward to it. Thank you!

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Yes very pretty with this blue, thanks you :grinning:

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