H there, been using IceDrive for quite a while now, and i love it compared to any other Cloud storage/backup/sync services out there.
Ok so yesterday i used my EaseUS ToDo computer backup/imaging program to run a backup image of my whole Windows partition onto my pare 512gb Crucial NVMe drive, and i do not use my current Windows drive for any storage of files, it is dedicated to Windows.
I completed the Image, and found out it was 105gb in size, usually it should be around 35gb, so immediately i knew something was wrong, so i went searching thru my C-Drive for anything that might be causing it to be that big, and as i slowly ran my cursor over every folder, including the hidden folders, i eventually discovered the IceDrive Folder hidden inside my hidden User / App Data Folder, and found it to be holding 72 gb of Temp Files, so i immediately deleted them all so it was empty.
I ran the Image again, and it ended up as 33gb, which is what it should be.
Why does IceDrive retain those Temp Files, and is there a way to have them automatically deleted on a periodical basis, because from now on, i will be taking a new image of my Windows Drive at least every fortnight to image onto my spare Crutial NVMe SSD so if my current windows drive dies or stuffs up, i can pop the spare Crutial NVMe SSD in my laptop and be back in action within a few minutes.
Have attached an image showing exactly what i found, and i wonder if any other IceDrive users are actually aware of this happening.