I am enjoying what I can get out of the free plan Icedrive offers, so first of all thank you for developing and maintaining this service.
Here’s my concern before committing into subscribing to a paid plan.
Whenever I start the app or the sync interval timer is hit and there are new transfer to make, Icedrive burst opens and closes a small window several times in a short time, and the focus is taken into that window then lost.
Let’s say I am writing in a text editor. Suddenly a long narrow window blinks out several times, and my typing is not registered to the editor anymore. I have to manually give it back the focus so I can resume writing. It’s often an Alt+Tab, or a mouse movement and a click. Considering I have set my interval time to be 5 minutes, it means I have to do this every 5 minutes if I am constantly working on a file that is included in one of the sync pairs.
Could this be avoided in the future? For now I am only launching Icedrive when I am sure I want to save the file into the cloud, instead of keeping it running in the background.
Thanks for reading.
p.s. The OS I am using is Windows 10.