I deleted my files from trash mistakely!

I want to recover my files that i deleted from trash mistakely… please help.

Hey @Siddharth_867 we can recover your files if they were accidentally deleted from trash, just submit a support ticket via Login - Icedrive and if they were deleted within the last week or so we should be able to recover for you.

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@Siddharth_867 Quick question, when you deleted your files I’ll take it that you were given the option to ‘permanently delete items? This action cannot be undone’ Now I’m very curious :thinking:
Are our files not permanently deleted when we delete them? Sorry to hear about your dilemma as it’s a nightmare when were not focusing & accidently delete wanted files :blush: But it does beg the question.

Yap …I got everything intact…i guess It wasn’t deleted.