How to move files between 2 Icedrive accounts

I have opened a ProX account. I would like to move the files from my Pro account there. Can this be done without a download and upload? I have both encrypted and normal files.

Hi @Teknikos

Unfortunately this is not currently possible, you would need to manually transfer them by downloading to your device and then uploading them to the other account.

@Teknikos I’ve asked the same of support after I bought a second account, and they told me cloud migration is not currently supported, nor was account merging. They recommend you download everything to your device and upload them to the other account as @Tom mentioned. However if you don’t have the local space to do so or it would be very tedious, then I’ve had some success using rclone to handle the data migration.

IceDrive is not officially supported by rclone since the IceDrive API is not public, but I was able to setup both of my accounts as remotes using WebDav. Their WebDav implementation isn’t really designed for bulk uploads, but I’ve been slowly but surely able to transfer about 2.5TB of data over the last couple of weeks. You can use checksums to verify the data transfers successfully and to skip files that are already uploaded. Here’s the command I used on Arch Linux after adding the remotes: systemd-inhibit rclone copy IceDrive-5TB: IceDrive-10TB: -P --checksum --log-file=/var/log/rclone/IceDrive-Transfer.log --log-level INFO

It’s very slow but I have time to wait it out. I know the IceDrive team has a lot on their plate at the moment, and hopefully we’ll see some improvements in this area in the future.

Hi @anyarr, I appreciate your solution. I did not think of it. I used the low-tech technique of copying my 1TB down and up again using the portable Icedrive Linux app. It is also very slow (running days), which makes me wonder if the webdav speed is not suffering from a more general Icedrive speed problem. This is quite disappointing since the usefulness of a large cloud is diminished if you can’t get your data in and out.

@Teknikos I think the IceDrive apps use their internal API, and WebDav is for third-party support. @Chris mentioned in a couple other threads that there’s plans for an updated implementation of WebDav and a public API some time after they finish the revamp for the drive mounted apps.

Slow transfer speeds can definitely be frustrating. Hopefully we’ll see further improvements in the near future. I’d open a support ticket and have them investigate why the transfer is slow for you using the portable app. It could be that the issue is due to bad TCP/IP routing from you to their servers, or the delays in processing data by the apps or server. I personally create compressed archives using 7zip for infrequently changed directories to save space and processing of lots of small individual files.