thanks for the answer
I hope they update the app, and if you don’t have the app running, will sync later when you open it, kinda Dropbox, that monitor the difference between the 2, and updates. (sorry to compare to other company was not my intent to be hurtful was just show the expected behavior) ‘live sync’ only sync while app is running, but if something goes wrong, app is not on, no internet etc… the changes are not capture, maybe there is a way to snapshot the folder structure and save the modification of local and cloud and then compare that every minute?
is kinda important, not always we have access to internet, example taking a flight, i change some files and after landing i want to turn on the app and sync my changes.
since currently the app only check changes that are after the app is initiated, doesn’t feel like sync, looks like one time sync =(
another example is, i have 2 pairs pointing to 2 different folders, if i have the app one, i can grab a file from one folder locally, move it to my other folder that is also pair, and this will actually make the changes,
but if i turn off the app. i move the file between the folders, and ten turn on the app, this file is not move =(/ sync, so i go to the app, delete my pairs, go to the cloud, rename my folders(to keep the files in the meantime), restart the app, create the pair folders, wait till everything’s is uploaded again, and i go to the cloud UI and deleted, my renamed folders
maybe we can have a button in the pairs where “force to sync” and will push the changes from the local files to the cloud?
love that the icedrive team is involve in the forums, make is feel heard and invite us to provide more feedback and bugs =)