Hard drive space disappears via large temp files after mounting icedrive

I mounted my icedrive just now and watched my PC storage space go down by 30GB, reduce to zero and crash my PC. I can see there are large files in the C:\Users***\AppData\Local\Temp\Icedrive folder. These were not deleted when I clear the cache. They disappeared after I restarted.

Is there a way to address this i) happening in the first place, and ii) rectifying without the reset (or manually deleting the temp files)?

Hi @gentle_walk

Would it be possible for you to submit a support ticket here along with attaching the applog to the ticket.

You can access the drive app log via the following pathway;

This will usually contain enough data to help us understand and resolve your issue.

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I have a similar “cache” problem with large files:

Ticket number: #5YNGRLIP

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Thanks for submitting the ticket, our dev team will investigate and get back to you via the ticket as soon as possible

You could try the Economical Caching feature if you are low on local space (See the settings menu)

I tried “Economic caching”, but this does not seem to prevent the latest version of Icedrive from “flooding” my RAM disk until it goes up to 100 per cent. This never happened with older version of Icedrive.

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You would have to clear the cache first
Why not change the cache location to somewhere that isnt a small RAM storage

Because I want to reduce SSD’s wear and tear; this is what a RAM disk is for. I did not have any problems with Icedrive 2.xx versions. Cache handling in versions 3.xx is a nightmare.