Free up space automation question

when i upload say 800GB of data to my ice drive, when the upload process is complete, will the application automatically delete the 800gb of data from my local drive since it is in the ice drive cloud? Thanks in advance

The app wouldn’t automatically delete data from your local drive, you would need to delete the data locally if that is what you wanted to do.

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Assuming you are referring to the Windows 10 desktop application, your settings in the desktop application controls that action. You will see in settings "Deletion Policy (local items) and Deletion Policy (cloud items). Option in the dropdown allow you to decide what action you want to take. Possibly, the team can confirm if my understanding is correct.

HOWEVER, word of caution. Icedrive has a LONG standing request to ensure the options you select are always saved until you change them again and you click save. Somehow, someway and for some unknown reason, Icedrive cannot get the application to save those options by user and they can reset often. Hopefully, others can impress on Icedrive to make more timely investments in their product.

The sync deletion policy is a default safety precaution within the drive mounted app to protect against accidental deletion of files. When set to ‘do not delete’ it will automatically recover any files you’ve deleted within the sync pair.