Compressed (zipped) Folders Error

I am trying to download my backup photos from my drive

When I double click them, when they are done, it comes up with this error

Screenshot 2023-06-25 151854

Screenshot 2023-06-25 152145

Screenshot 2023-06-25 150923

Download from Browser version of Icedrive.  The App is extremely slow

Windows 11


[Your issue here]

Hey @Coops

Interesting, My initial thoughts are that there are items with odd filenames, such as foreign characters or invalid characters inside causing the zip to be invalid.

Perhaps you could try some other software other than windows for the zip i.e Winrar, 7z

Also, highly recommend using the portable app - It is basically the webapp on steroids and you could download the folder super fast without the need for zipping :slight_smile:

Browsers aren’t really designed for huge tasks, though things are always getting closer to that

Cheers :+1: