Built In De-Duplication

Built in de-duplication would be a #1 feature request for me, as so many of us end up with unintentional duplicates on our computers. Having it built into the app itself would be amazing. This would be my #1 feature request for sure. I have the mac desktop app, but am not able to run icedrive with any of my normal deduplication programs, like photo sweeper, disk drill, etc. since it doesn’t recognize it as a virtual drive yet. With this improvement Icedrive would basically be perfect to me. Thanks for all of your hard work, team!

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Hey @southernscreenwriter thanks for the feedback. We’re completely redeveloping the virtual drive app for Windows so that it can then be later ported over to both Mac and Linux.

Are there any updates on the timeframe? I’ve been a lifetime member for a few years and only have a Mac and have been anxiously waiting for this. Thanks.

We’re hoping to have the initial beta build for Windows ready for testing within the next couple of months.