Auto Camera Upload - Unexpected Behaviour


The Auto Camera Upload feature is working unexpectedly on Android when “Camera Photos” and “Camera Videos” toggles are “on”. Picture below.

Screen capture of the settings in question.

Although the “Other images & Videos” toggle is “off”, any media from any folder will get uploaded, even from the Download folder.
The expected behaviour is with the “Other images & Videos” toggle “off”, only medias from the “DCIM” folder gets uploaded.
As for right now, the “Other images & Videos” toggle makes no difference, whether it is “on” or “off”.

Thank you for taking this bug into account.

Hi @Dr_Quantum

Would you mind submitting a diagnostic log so that our dev team can take a look?

Where it asks for a description of the issue, you can just include a link to this post.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

What kind of data is transmitted, such as any personal info, if I may kindly ask?
Thank you!

Kindly reminder @Tom :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Dr_Quantum

No personal information is transmitted, it will simply be file/folder names along with any error messages.

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I may send it in the next few days as I’m quite busy, meanwhile I sent the link to a few people I know that has this issue as well to report it with the link in description, as they worry about personal info.

When I try to submit it gives me a 503 error.
Is this normal?