Arctic Adaptation: Icedrive’s Response to UK Privacy Laws

The UK government after receiving final assent has recently passed into legislation the The Online Safety Act 2023, more ubiquitously known as the Anti-Privacy Bill.

This potentially marks the end of encryption services in the UK as we know it and in doing so, everyone’s individual right to protect their own personal data.

At Icedrive we pride ourselves on providing a user friendly service with data protection and privacy at the forefront of everything we do. After much consultation we have made the difficult decision to relocate our base of operations from our homeland of Wales to Gibraltar which exists outside the remit of both the EU and the UK’s new anti privacy laws.

Icedrive will continue to provide it’s top tier data protection cloud storage service as it did before however will now exist as an extension of our wider privacy services brand which will be called Ice Privacy.

The new Ice Privacy brand will enable us to provide additional services far beyond the original scope of our flagship cloud storage service, with privacy and data protection fundamental to it’s core.

We are very excited for the opportunities that lie ahead and remain dedicated to safeguarding your privacy every step of the way. Here’s to the future with Ice Privacy.

Kind Regards,
Icedrive Team

Ice Privacy company website:


Very interesting news,
could you elaborate more on any changes to Icedrive as we currently know it?
Or how will it involve Ice Privacy, if it will?

Anything that will directly affect Icedrive users data?

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Icedrive user data will not be affected in any way. The new brand has just allowed us to not only relocate to combat the UK’s new anti-privacy laws but also will enable us to provide additional privacy based products and services going forward.


Yes, as @Chris said, this is a huge net positive for us all, especially in light of the UK Online Saftey Bill.

Big things to come =)

Check out our new HQ!


Wow… looks like a nice place to work. Thanks for maintaining our privacy!


I appreciate you take privacy seriously!


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Thank you for the update. For … after receiving final ascent… should be ‘assent’.

Im proud of this service for take the necessary steps for keep uses privacy


Nicely spotted :rofl: :+1:



That’s nice, very nice!

In my opinion, I don’t care about it having 200+ server locations, I don’t care about it being the fastest.
If you price it cheaper than the competition, you win!

Good job guys
Should have been a though decision, but for the better.
That’s why we are here, and will remain :sparkling_heart:

Sorry you had to move, but truly appreciate your privacy concerns. Thank you! BTW, your new headquarters are futuristic and pretty awesome.

One question. Is Ice Privacy as your new brand name to be changed in your login address, or will you keep

Thanks, again. It’s hard enough keeping bad actors at bay without losing something like encryption.

Rest assured will remain the address for Icedrive.


Huge respect for you making this move, well done, it shows your commitment. Shame on the UK, my birthplace, and no surprise. Now in Australia I see this country changing beyond recognition under the new world order. I may have to move to Gibraltar myself!

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I’m coming in a little late on this conversation but I just wanted to let the Icedrive team know that I think they are doing a wonderful job! Thank you for all the hard work!

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Great. Please keep Icedrive as your priority. Some of us purchased lifetime subscription and the service is still majorly lacking in comparison to the competition.
You originally had a roadmap which was taken away.
We were told our entire Cloud storage would be end to end encrypted like not just the encrypted folded, but since then this and many other promises have come and gone.
Please remain focused on Icedrive as the product could do with a major updates to not just the desktop app but the encryption, Mobile apps also


Well speed is important, so let’s hope this isn’t compromised by the geo-relocation.

Rest assured speed will not be compromised by the move.

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I really admire and respect the ID team’s dedication to privacy. Thank you for taking it seriously and acting in this way. Awesome work there.

But… IcePrivacy? A whole privacy suite? Please, please, no! Not unless you’ve got some new investors with deep pockets and have added a ton of team members! Please fix the existing problems in your core product first. The IceDrive Apps have never been solid and reliable despite users begging for years. V3 keeps being teased but is still not quite ready for primetime and the sync feature isn’t even being tested yet. Please, please, please, I’m begging you guys, for the love of all that is holy, please do not spread your resources even thinner and neglect the IceDrive apps even further! Please, stop everything else and make a solid app without arbitrary folder sync restrictions, without long sync intervals, without frequent bugs such as 0kb file transfers, and with verbosity about any errors, as well as a clear list of what was successfully synced and what wasn’t.

IceDrive seems to have soooo much potential! It always seems … right… there. But after 3 years of waiting, I’m less optimistic. If IceDrive becomes what it could be, I and many others will happily refer and spread out to any other products/services this team creates. But if certain parts of the user experience remain a dumpster fire AND the team stretches itself thin in other endeavors, I foresee crashing and burning. Please don’t do that.