Android App - Feature Suggestions

Hi Team,

A few suggestions that come to mind after using the app for a few days:

  • Photo uploads (like many other apps) - I know this is in the works.

    • Should auto upload into a section called “photos” (as default) within the account
    • Admin option to select “over wifi only” or “all the time - using data plan as well”
    • Should be organized into time periods (eg: months)
  • Ability to “Scan” through the app and upload (like Google Drive) - snap a photo and turn it into a PDF and upload into account.


Hey @frankyblanky welcome to the community! Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, we’ll consider these for our next major update to our mobile apps.

Automatic uploads should be flexible which source folder and which target folder.

Any update on an update :-D?

Our dev team are currently working on redeveloping our drive app currently so that it can then be ported over to MacOS and Linux however they will start on updating the mobile apps once that has been completed. We appreciate it can be a little frustrating waiting for these requested changes but please bear with us, big changes and updates are coming.

Thanks. Looking forward to the revamp. I really want to get off of Google Photos. HOwever, this is a really practical and convienent feature. THe whole photos things :slight_smile: