3.11 Windows app freeze constsantly

Whenever I go to create a new Sync pair using the 3.11 mound & sync app on Windows the app just freezes every time. With or without the virtual drive mounted.
I also encountered an issue yesterday where renaming files during a sync made the app force close twice. I did see the log file but I dont really understand what the error details in it mean.
Between yesterdays events of it force closing and today it ended up working until I just went to create a new sync pair. App just hangs and ive only got 5 sync pairs currently. Powerful PC.

EDIT: seems to be crashing when creating new sync pair only if its currently syncing files. Once I aborted the in progress syncs I was able to create multiple new pairs.
But app still had force closing issues without warning yesterday that needs to be addressed.

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Confirmed - I see exactly the same issue. I get the impression they’re overwhelmed by tickets at the moment. I’m not sure v3.11 was ready for release.

Yeah I agree. 3.11 app feels sort of like a late stage BETA app right now. I mean for the most part the new app works just have to keep checking the sync status as it currently stands.
Do you have the issue with the app crashing when a creating a sync pair when syncs are currently still in progress or the app force closing when renaming files or both?

> app crashing when a creating a sync pair when syncs are currently still in progress

Yes. I have an open ticket about this.

> the app force closing when renaming files

To be fair, I’m not sure. I might have seen it once, but I didn’t look into reproducing it.

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Hopefully they come back with a fix or workaround soon then

Thanks for letting us know, the dev team are currently working round the clock to resolve these issues. If you have created tickets already thank you! If not, could you please submit one here and attach the app log to it along with a brief description of the issue.

You can access the drive app log via the following pathway;

This app log contains vital information for our dev team to identify these issues.

We appreciate you patience and understanding.

Well I looked at the log file & the time & date from where I noticed the crash has been overwritten? As the app hasn’t crashed since.
I did take copy & paste the section yesterday as soon as I noticed the crash though so I’ll send that section I copied.

Same for me. Even if I do pause the sync to add another, it freezes. I have to force close and after that the program comes up for a few seconds and then closes by itself. Judging by the comments, everyone is suffering the same at the moment and we have to wait for an update to the app.

I have the same issue with version 3.15. I can’t create any new sync pairs. The app freezes as soon as I select the “Remote Folder” input option. Selecting a local folder works fine.
It used to work before, though. After installing the update, I

  • created two sync pairs
  • removed one of the sync pairs
  • try to create a new sync pair - can’t do it, app freezes.

The log file does not contain any relevant info, just messages related to the working sync pair and nothing in the time window where I tried to create the sync pair.

Yep same…still. No idea what version 3.15 changed or fixed, if anything, seems the same to me. I tried to get an answer about what changed or a change log in another thread but no answer.

I created an issue: Ticket [#VGFZMI4W] - Icedrive Support

V3.15 fixed an OpenGL error which occurs on some Clients which prevents it from running.