Full Sync vs Backup

Really clear.

And that’s what I do. 2 Hard disk, 2 clouds. That’s why I didnt lost my files when icedrive damaged my files.

Anyway, I think Icedrive could work better. And I’m completly sure that is better to use the backup function than the whole sync. (really dangerous).

But Backup function doesn’t update the new files. So it means that every week I have to make a full backup in a new folder manually.

I think Icedrive could improvise much more.

Couldn’t agree more. I only use the backup option because I don’t want to lose files on my SDD/HDD just because Icedrive deletes them for one reason or another. I wish I could just go back to version 2.xx :disappointed:

Good input. Thank you. If a sync pair was created with whole sync, how does one change that to backup option? Or do you delete that pair and start over?

That’s what I did to make sure it works.


You delete it and you create a new pair with back up option.

But remember, if you edit any file in local will not be updated if this file with same name exist in the cloud.

So for me is a mess to upload all the folder every week because i’m continous editing the files.

You mean that the Backup option only detects a change in the file name on the local end… not a change in the file content or date/time like Dropbox would. I know I am still a bit confused but
Wow… that doesn’t make sense to me…

I have learned, of course, that with either option, it only copies once the file is closed.

Correct. This is a big mess.

My solution is upload all the full folder and when is uploaded i delete the old folder.

And now with the new version you can upload lot of files
In the previous version there were a limit of number of files to upload for each folder. It was another big mess

Hope in the versions will improve all of this.

Your comment scared me a little bit, so I did some experiments. Fortunately, in my set-up the backup function seems to work fine. That is, if I edit the contents of an existing file on my local device, IceDrive will detect the change and will update the corresponding backup file on the remote server. My settings are:

  • Sync type: back-up
  • Deletion policy (Local): Do not delete
  • Deletion policy (Remote): Delete

I use version 3.14 of the desktop app on Windows 10.

I’m not sure why this is not working for you. Does the problem only occur with certain file types, or with all of them?

Did you try a file or a folder? Because I tried a folder and they didn’t detect the updated files that are inside the folder. I’m going to do another test again.

The most important thing is to not have the whole sync. In the previous version I had problems. And I suppose that in the new version maybe to. I’m not going to shut off the computer meanwhile is doing an upload in whole sync.

le’ts talk after the test :slight_smile:

I edited a file inside a folder, while that folder was continuously being backed up. In that case everything seems to work fine: a new backup of the file was created within a minute or so.

However… I just found out that if you close the IceDrive desktop app, then edit a file, and finally open the IceDrive app again, IceDrive will not notice that the file has been changed during its absence, and no back-up will be made (at least not right away; I will wait a little longer to see what happens). Is this perhaps the same problem that you encountered?

Hi @Guido

Just to confirm, if the app is closed and you make changes to synced folders, those updates won’t sync once it’s reopened. The app needs to stay running for syncing to work, but we’re looking into improving this in the future.

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@Tom Thanks for the confirmation. From now on, I will pay close attention that IceDrive is always running in the background, so that my backup remains accurate. Hopefully this can be improved soon!

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I did too and it works.

The previous version didn’t work but this nee version looks much better!

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Guido’s settings are :

I operate with “Do not delete” on both ends, why let automation ruin your day.

I compare the local and Icedrive drives using Vice Versa Pro every so often, and deal with anything on just one end manually. I’m using IceDrive as it lets you mount your cloud files as a local drive, and do things like this.

The cross check reveals whether sync is working cleanly too.

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@Stu_8 That is an interesting thought. :thinking: So if you run Vice Versa Pro and it detects files on your (mounted) Icedrive drive that were recently deleted on your local drive, will you have Vice Versa Pro delete them for you? Is that correct?

If so, why do you trust this process more than when you let Icedrive do it for you right away?


No, it’s a manual decision to delete them from IceDrive via Vice Versa Pro (there could be some that I just leave in Icedrive)

I am more interested in the opposite case though, local files that have not shown up in IceDrive.
I’m waiting to see how well the backup up (sync) run has done, 2.5 Tb is on the move

There have been 30 odd files that have produced errors (“Transfer failed: no server response (sync)” is one variety). I’m waiting to find out if a later sync process tries again and copies them OK

Please let us know when you have news. It is very interesting.

In the previous version I lost files with the synchronization when I had a power cut and the computer turned off suddenly. The cloud maxed out my local files with 0 bytes.

I was backing up 35k tracks of music (plus directories).
There were some alerted sync failures and I noticed a subsequent sync job running on those files.

Looking promising I thought.

I ran Vice Versa Pro to check local vs Icedrive and discovered over 6000 tracks hadn’t made it. Looking closer I can see they are tracks with apostrophes in their file names. Blues tracks often have them.

I don’t think I got a warning. I was told about some tracks with leading blanks in their titles and dealt with them.

Now what?

I recommend something like Vice Versa (direcotory+file comparison) as a check of how things have gone.

PS or all tracks in an album with an apostrophe in its name

The problem with apostrophes is also mentioned here:

Let’s Let us hope this will soon be fixed.